D4DL Graveyard

Filter Cards

Always use a combination of colour, shapes and text.
Avoid the use of colour as the only way to convey meaning.
Left-aligned text and use a suitable font size.
In most cases 12pt size font with 1.5 line spacing. Avoid centre and right alignment of text or full justification.
Break up information with meaningful headings.
Use sub-headings and one-level bullet lists. Avoid complex or cluttered layouts, multi-layered menus or lists.
Write text in sentence case and use heading styles.
Adjust text size using heading styles. Avoid using all capital letters and using layout as the only way to convey structure.
Provide multiple means of representation.
Add meaningful alternative (alt) text to all images and provide transcripts for videos and audio.
Always use a readable font with sufficient colour contrast from the background.
Avoid low colour contrasts, small font sizes and cursive or script fonts.
Make important information clear and easy to find.
Avoid underlined words, italics and all capital letters for emphasis, headings or body text.
Write descriptive and meaningful hyperlinks.
Avoid using uninformative links and never use ‘click here’. Use a URL shortener if required.
Ensure all content can be navigated with a keyboard.
Avoid forcing control by use of a mouse or touch screen alone.
Allow users to control and navigate audio and audio content.
Avoid the automatic start of any audio or video content.

Grouped Rows

Always use a combination of colour, shapes and text to convey meaning.
Avoid the use of colour as the only way to convey meaning.
Always use left-aligned text, 1.5 line spacing and a suitable font size – usually 12pt for Microsoft Word, web, and print.
Avoid centre and right alignment of text or full justification.
Always break up information with meaningful headings, sub-headings and one-level bullet lists.
Avoid complex or cluttered layouts, multi-layered menus or lists.
Always write headings in sentence case and use heading styles in online text boxes and Microsoft Word docs.
Avoid the use of text size, all capital letters and layout as the only way to convey structure.
Always add meaningful alternative (alt) text to all images and transcripts for videos.
Avoid the use of rich media content without providing a text alternative.
Always use a readable font with sufficient colour contrast from the background.
Avoid low colour contrasts, small font sizes and cursive or script fonts.
Always make important information clear and easy to find.
Avoid underlined words, italics and all capital letters for emphasis, headings or body text.
Always write descriptive and meaningful hyperlinks and use a URL shortener if required.
Avoid using uninformative links and never use ‘click here’.
Always ensure all content can be navigated with a keyboard.
Avoid forcing control by use of a mouse or touch screen alone.
Always use a textbox to increase contrast between images and text.
Avoid text over images or patterned backgrounds.
Always allow user control and navigation of all video and audio content.
Avoid the automatic start of any audio or video content.
Always use a combination of colour, shapes and text to convey meaning.
Avoid the use of colour as the only way to convey meaning.
Always use left-aligned text, 1.5 line spacing and a suitable font size – usually 12pt for Microsoft Word, web, and print.
Avoid centre and right alignment of text or full justification.
Always break up information with meaningful headings, sub-headings and one-level bullet lists.
Avoid complex or cluttered layouts, multi-layered menus or lists.
Always write headings in sentence case and use heading styles in online text boxes and Microsoft Word docs.
Avoid the use of text size, all capital letters and layout as the only way to convey structure.
Always add meaningful alternative (alt) text to all images and transcripts for videos.
Avoid the use of rich media content without providing a text alternative.
Always use a readable font with sufficient colour contrast from the background.
Avoid low colour contrasts, small font sizes and cursive or script fonts.
Always make important information clear and easy to find.
Avoid underlined words, italics and all capital letters for emphasis, headings or body text.
Always write descriptive and meaningful hyperlinks and use a URL shortener if required.
Avoid using uninformative links and never use ‘click here’.
Always ensure all content can be navigated with a keyboard.
Avoid forcing control by use of a mouse or touch screen alone.
Always use a textbox to increase contrast between images and text.
Avoid text over images or patterned backgrounds.
Always allow user control and navigation of all video and audio content.
Avoid the automatic start of any audio or video content.



Always use a combination of colour, shapes and text to convey meaning.
Always use left-aligned text, 1.5 line spacing and a suitable font size - usually 12pt for Microsoft Word, web, and print.
Always break up information with meaningful headings, sub-headings and one-level bullet lists.
Always write headings in sentence case and use heading styles in online text boxes and Microsoft Word docs.
Always add meaningful alternative (alt) text to all images and transcripts for videos.
Always use a readable font with sufficient colour contrast from the background.
Always make important information clear and easy to find.
Always write descriptive and meaningful hyperlinks and use a URL shortener if required.
Always ensure all content can be navigated with a keyboard.
Always use a textbox to increase contrast between images and text.
Always allow user control and navigation of all video and audio content.


Avoid the use of colour as the only way to convey meaning.
Avoid centre and right alignment of text or full justification.
Avoid complex or cluttered layouts, multi-layered menus or lists.
Avoid the use of text size, all capital letters and layout as the only way to convey structure.
Avoid the use of rich media content without providing a text alternative.
Avoid low colour contrasts, small font sizes and cursive or script fonts.
Avoid underlined words, italics and all capital letters for emphasis, headings or body text.
Avoid using uninformative links and never use ‘click here’.
Avoid forcing control by use of a mouse or touch screen alone.
Avoid text over images or patterned backgrounds.
Avoid the automatic start of any audio or video content.

Filter Tables


Always use a combination of colour, shapes and text to convey meaning.
Always use left-aligned text, 1.5 line spacing and a suitable font size - usually 12pt for Microsoft Word, web, and print.
Always break up information with meaningful headings, sub-headings and one-level bullet lists.
Always write headings in sentence case and use heading styles in online text boxes and Microsoft Word docs.
Always add meaningful alternative (alt) text to all images and transcripts for videos.
Always use a readable font with sufficient colour contrast from the background.
Always make important information clear and easy to find.
Always write descriptive and meaningful hyperlinks and use a URL shortener if required.
Always ensure all content can be navigated with a keyboard.
Always use a textbox to increase contrast between images and text.
Always allow user control and navigation of all video and audio content.


Avoid the use of colour as the only way to convey meaning.
Avoid centre and right alignment of text or full justification.
Avoid complex or cluttered layouts, multi-layered menus or lists.
Avoid the use of text size, all capital letters and layout as the only way to convey structure.
Avoid the use of rich media content without providing a text alternative.
Avoid low colour contrasts, small font sizes and cursive or script fonts.
Avoid underlined words, italics and all capital letters for emphasis, headings or body text.
Avoid using uninformative links and never use ‘click here’.
Avoid forcing control by use of a mouse or touch screen alone.
Avoid text over images or patterned backgrounds.
Avoid the automatic start of any audio or video content.